Saturday, May 3, 2008

Why I am in love with gardens: yesterday, today, tomorrow

photo by AML

Brunfelsia grandiflora also known as Yesterday -Today -Tomorrow, Origin: Brazil

The unusual popular name of this medium-sized shrub becomes clear to anyone who observes it over the course of two or three days. Its fragrant flowers change from purple to lavender and then to white over a three day period. First they open as rich lavender blue; then they change to pale lavender and finally to almost white before they fall. All three colors can be seen on the same plant.

My mother inspired and taught me to be a gardener. Growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere, my mother created a beautiful garden. I was 6 years old and I can remember how excited she was about moving to our brand new dream home, Villa Noemia, and having a big garden. Unusual plants were ordered from outside the country and tended with great care. Yesterday, today, tomorrow was one such plant. We watched it grow and were so thrilled when the 1st blooms came out and we could appreciate the name. She loved showing the flowers to everyone. I still remember that experience everytime I see this plant. It has been a life long pleasure for me to watch my garden grow. Each bud that bursts into bloom is a blessing. This I learnt from my mother.

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